Journal of Cardiovascular Disease and Cardiology is an online scientific journal publishes papers related to diagnosis and problems related to cardiovascular diseases. This journal is an open original research, review articles, mini-reviews, clinical images, short communications, letter to editors, perspectives, editorials and case reports etc. for esteemed professionals who are involved in surgical and medical cardiovascular treatments.
Focus and Scope
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease and Cardiology journal publishes on current topics in cardiology, which will foster the increased understanding of the cardiac disease prevention, metabolic disorders influencing cardiac risk, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias and pacing, heart failures, cardiomyopathies, methodologies, treatment, percutaneous and invasive techniques, and outcomes.
This is a peer-reviewed journal concentrates on attracting high-quality manuscripts rendering on the significant advances in involving cardiovascular diseases and related regulatory organ diseases at an international level.
All published articles are permanently archived and available at Array Publishers website in HTML and PDF formats.
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