Editor Guidelines

Roles and Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members

The Editorial Board members is a group of people who are having immense involvement with the journals field dependent on their exploration advantages. The Editorial advisory board of committee may likewise can be welcome to different journals which may suit to their examination intrigue and exists in the extent of the journal.

The roles and responsibilities of Editorial Board Members include:

  • He/she ought to be aptitude in topic and ought to have tremendous involvement with the concerned field.
  • Fit for reviewing the submitted original copies as an ultimate choice be taken by the Editors.
  • Need Valuable Advices and recommendations with respect to the Aims and Scope of the journal.
  • To help the journal as far as releasing the extraordinary issues by going about as Guest Editor for that specific special issue.
  • Conducting editorial board meetings during the time of conference.
  • Suggesting the journal by referring to the colleagues, students, researchers who are interested to submit the research works.
  • Need to help the journal as far as significant commitments at any rate multiple times in a year.
  • Providing high quality and good number of manuscripts to the Publishers that can be maintained by the journal credibility.
  • Need suggestions, valuable information regarding the development and growth of the journal and to take the journal to next level what are the measures to be taken.
  • To give improvement thoughts and furthermore primary key points to be remembered for the journal site with the goal that the perusers may get keen on presenting their original copies in the journal.
  • To give recommendations in keeping up the Editorial group for the journal effectively so as to persuade improved and to be progressively dynamic for the journal development.
  • There should be thorough monitoring regarding the progress of the journal and we will update regarding it and if needed we welcome the ideas for editorial development. The editorial board should be involved formally through an annual editorial board meeting or informally in ad hoc meetings and discussions.
  • To provide strategies and new innovative ideas for the journal’s development. The publishing contact will be in touch regularly to report on the journal’s performance and if possible there will be discussion regarding the strategies for development as well as suggestions also be encouraged among the Editorial Board members.
  • Encouragement in increasing revenue generation for the journal by highlighting through commercial advertising and reprint opportunities, if these forms act as important sources for upgradation of the journal.
  • Promoting the journal among friends, potential authors and eminent scientists.

Call for Editors

In the event that you might want to start your relationship with the journal as an Editor, kindly send the Updated CV, Biography, Recent photograph and Research interests to: [email protected]