Author Guidelines

The Author Guidelines Regarding Submission of Manuscript Includes:

1. Title/Heading

Reasonable to the subject and not insignificant to its detail work.

2. Author Affiliation

Respective Authors Full Names, Department/Institution/University, Country and Contact Number ought to be drafted in the article which is mandatory.

3. Corresponding Author

Complete Name along with Department/Institution/University, City, State, Country, Telephone, Fax and Email ought to be included in the manuscript.

4. Abstract

Ought to be brief in nature, complete and pertinent which is simple and furthermore identifying with the absolute subject given as synopsis to the whole content which was described by the creator while getting the examination discoveries in a thorough way. It ought to likewise identify with huge result and further scope to proceed in the field.

5. Keywords

Ought to be in sequential order separated with semicolons for brisk comprehension regarding the subject.

6. Text includes/incorporates the following

Introduction: States the purpose behind the examination: recognizes and expand conversations in discoveries of others, incorporates a review of the literature.
Materials and Methods: Describes the examination test, research populace, and so forth which totally portrays the techniques that have been utilized to assemble the data or information assortment and depicting the implies that has been utilized for estimating or measures.
Results: Summarizes the discoveries that has been finished during the exploration by utilizing text, diagrams, charts and tables alongside their legends which is an order thing that must be remembered for the original copy.
Discussion: Analyzing the discoveries, clarifying the noteworthiness or the substance of the exploration and along these lines recommending the future projects.
Conclusion: The final summary of the research/review work that has been done or that has been seen during the process which should be included.
References: An in order posting of works that were referred to and utilized in supporting the examination which may include books, monographs, and so on.

7. Acknowledgement

Includes affirmation of members, grant details, funds, and conflict of interest.
Submission of manuscript copy design ideally in Microsoft word. Additionally, PDF configuration will be encouraged.